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Happy New Year 2024

Update Time:2023-12-28

As the joyous occasion of the 2024 New Year’s Day approaches, we step into a brand new year filled with fresh hopes and aspirations. Western New Year's Day in Chinese is usually called "元旦 (yuándàn)." According to an ancient Chinese divination text "I Ching", "Yuan" represents one of the four virtues of the Qian hexagram, symbolizing the beginning of things, corresponding to spring. In the "Shuowen Jiezi," (the first Chinese character dictionary to analyze the structure of the characters and to give the rationale behind them), it is stated: "Dan, bright. With the sun rising to the top, representing the earth." "Yuan, beginning." New Year's Day marks the end of the previous year and the commencement of a new one, signifying the cyclical renewal of all things.

At this special and significant moment, we extend heartfelt greetings and sincere thanks to every employee, partner, and supporter. We appreciate the continuous support and trust you have bestowed upon us.

The year 2023 was a year filled with opportunities and challenges, a year of collective endeavor. With a team spirit characterized by unity and collaboration, innovative thinking, and exceptional execution, the company garnered increased recognition within the industry and achieved significant milestones in the competitive market. In 2024, we embark on a new chapter in the company's journey. We will persistently strive to deliver higher quality products and services, deepen our collaboration with partners, expand market share, and realize mutual prosperity.

In 2024, let us move forward hand in hand, standing at a new starting point, continuing to pursue our dreams with courage and determination, collectively creating brilliance.

May all your wishes come true, and may the New Year be filled with joy and tranquility!

May your business thrive and may you have peace and prosperity!

Wishing everyone a joyful New Year!

Jiangsu Inslift Technology Co., Ltd.

December 28, 2023