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At the outset of the Lunar New Year, wishing you a propitious start to work

Update Time:2024-02-18

On February 18, 2024, Jiangsu Inslift Technology Co., Ltd. commenced its first working day after the Spring Festival holiday. The delightful holiday season has come to an end, and starting from today, in the new year, we are committed to wholeheartedly providing customers with high-quality and timely services. Our focus remains on producing products of superior quality and performance, continually innovating, breaking new ground, and fearlessly embracing fresh challenges as we march forward.

2024 is a year filled with hope, and together, let us progress hand in hand, putting forth concerted efforts to stride towards new accomplishments. Wishing all colleagues and partners good health, abundant wealth, smooth career paths, and may all your endeavors be met with success in this new year.